"record to file" all step output; SQL Server Jobs
Add the yellow-highlighted line to your job create scripts
for any steps where you'd like to "record to file" all step output;
replace the green text with the name of the job. The other text will be
replaced with the appropriate values from the server, job, and calendar. Note the value of the @flags
variable -- 4, meaning to log step output to the file as well.
EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id=@jobId,
@step_name=N'Compare & Update',
@os_run_priority=0, @subsystem=N'TSQL',
sf_refreshall ''SALESFORCE_PRD'',''Yes''',
@output_file_name=N'\\ Whatever \sqldba\JobLogs\$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(INST))\Refresh_SFDCSnapshot_fr_PRD_$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(STEPID))_$(ESCAPE_NONE(STRTDT))_$(ESCAPE_NONE(STRTTM)).txt',
@flags=4 -- include step output in log file
For the example above, if the step executed at
10am today, the log file name for this execution would be \\Whatever\sqldba\JobLogs\PRD5\Refresh_SFDCSnapshot_fr_PRD_1_20150908_100000.txt.
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