Friday, November 06, 2015

Table-Valued Parameter Types

Creating Table-Valued Parameter Types

Table-valued parameters are based on strongly-typed table structures that are defined by using Transact-SQL CREATE TYPE statements. You have to create a table type and define the structure in SQL Server before you can use table-valued parameters in your client applications. For more information about creating table types, see User-Defined Table Types in SQL Server Books Online.
The following statement creates a table type named CategoryTableType that consists of CategoryID and CategoryName columns:
CREATE TYPE dbo.CategoryTableType AS TABLE
    ( CategoryID int, CategoryName nvarchar(50) )
After you create a table type, you can declare table-valued parameters based on that type. The following Transact-SQL fragment demonstrates how to declare a table-valued parameter in a stored procedure definition. Note that the READONLY keyword is required for declaring a table-valued parameter.
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_UpdateCategories 
    (@tvpNewCategories dbo.CategoryTableType READONLY)